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SRMC Employees Align One Mission, One Vision in Unique Training Opportunity

Colleen Hart

AIKEN, S.C. (September 13, 2023) — The Savannah River Site’s (SRS) liquid waste contractor has completed a training series that allowed employees to dive deeper into the past, present, and future of the SRS liquid waste mission.

Bailey Arnett (center, right), a waste disposal authority engineer, leads a group discussion about Savannah River Mission Completion’s mission and vision during Vision Casting.

Over the last six weeks, more than 3,000 Savannah River Mission Completion (SRMC) employees participated in SRMC’s Vision Casting initiative. Led by a full-time SRMC employee serving as a group facilitator, each Vision Casting session was a small-group discussion that used informative scripts, a Liquid Waste Program vision board, fact cards, and interactive activities to align all employees on what it will take to complete the SRS Liquid Waste Mission.

SRMC’s mission is to safely reduce the risk of radioactive liquid waste stored at SRS in aging waste tanks to the community and the environment. To get there, SRMC will strive to perform risk reduction and operational optimizations while serving as the model of excellence in nuclear safety culture, workforce development, and stakeholder engagement.

Bailey Arnett, SRMC waste disposal authority engineer, said helping to facilitate Vision Casting was a rewarding opportunity.

“I was able to meet numerous people in fields I don’t often interact with, hear stories from employees who have been at the site for longer than me, and learn something new from every group,” Arnett said. “I think Vision Casting was important for our company because we were able to learn from one another, gain a new perspective, and unite to accomplish future work as one team.”

According to SRMC President and Program Manager Dave Olson, this effort provided the opportunity for employees to learn more about SRMC, how every individual contributes, and ultimately understand and appreciate the value they bring to the liquid waste mission.

“Vision Casting allowed every employee to spend a few hours learning alongside

some of their teammates about how Savannah River Mission Completion’s people,

programs, and processes are performing with the Power As One,” Olson said. “Feedback from participants indicated that the Vision Casting effort was informative and beneficial. Whether it was through new knowledge of how we operate, or a new connection made with a colleague, I believe everyone walked away with refreshed appreciation of their role as an SRMC team member – someone who is a part of one of the largest and most important cleanup missions in our country.”

SRMC is evaluating development of a computer-based training application so that new employees can also benefit from Vision Casting.

SRMC comprises parent company BWX Technologies, Inc. with partners Amentum and Fluor. Its team brings the capabilities necessary to accelerate cleanup at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site through safe nuclear operations, optimized and integrated mission execution, and strong corporate governance.

Ray Tran (left), an engineer for the Savannah River Site tank farms, helps complete a timeline of SRS historical events as part of SRMC’s Vision Casting training initiative.


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